The antenna was erected in my loft space which is only 6m
End to End.
This obviously meant that the ends of the antenna needed to be dog
legged down to enable the tails to fit!
As the impedance is approx 70-72 Ohms I fed this antenna with 75 Ohm
RG6/U Satellite cable with 10 turns around a 120mm former at the feed
point as a choke.
After the tails had been installed onto insulators vertically down from
the dipole level I re set the Mini VNA to work.
Interestingly, possibly due to the vertical down section of the tails
and also parasitic effects from the other antenna within the space the
frequency had shifted up band by approx 250 KHz, thus I lengthened the
tails to an overall dimension of 1.75m.
This brought the resonance down to 7.1MHz with a centre band VSWR of
better than 1:1.25